What’s New in AllNonCore?


Generate assessment questions the easy way

In non-core subjects too!

Follow the link to access a subject-specific bank of assessment questions.

Access quizzes that can be shared via link or projected in the classroom

Assess learners' understanding

The use of low-stake assessment, such as quizzes, have been shown to be effective in improving long-term memory and engagement. Follow the link to access a variety of subject-specific quiz questions.


Non-core subjects

Several non-core subjects to pick from

Follow the link to access a variety of non-core assessment questions including those in Health and Social care, Geography, History, Design & Technology, Sociology and Computer Science. But do keep visiting the site as resources for other non-subjects will be added.

How Does All Non Core Benefit Teachers?


Quibusdam aut officas debitis rerum

Reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae aolorem voluetas

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Suscipit laboriosamar nisi aut aliruid

Qeprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae aolorem voluetas.

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Dolorem eum fugiat voluptas nulla

Aeprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae aolorem voluetas...

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What Teachers are Saying…
